Successful People Never Imitate
Human alpha, beta, and omega males: the reality
Has feminism gone too far?
Mistakes made in forming relationships
Kids vs. Date Night
Imagining my marriage as one long road-trip
What women don't want
Does Your Boyfriend a Control Freak
Being with a stronger man allows a strong woman to relax
Passing it on
Who Stole Feminism?
I Wanna Get To Know Ya

If I had to go back to the work force, I’d put myself down as an entrepreneur and as someone who started and ran my own internet business from 2007 to 2011. I’d describe my role primarily as an internet marketer and internet sales, and then tell them that the niche market I worked in was dating advice, partiucularly dating advice for men.

As soon as you get into the whole, “I got paid to take guys out and talk to girls,” you’re entering territory where the average middle-manager at a business is not going to feel comfortable getting into.

Unless you did it in a major way (had your own site and products), I’d probably just leave it off your resume.

June 20, 2011 at 11:35 pm · Reply
I read this post last night and though this would be an interesting case study to follow the comments. I guessed that most comments would disagree, at least somehow and, in this case, this may be your own doing: you prompted the commentators to show their independence towards you :)

IMO, your critique of Style is far more damaging than any video by Sinn or hating article from other coaches, you did’t mean to put the guy down. You’re just letting people know your honest opinion of the guy without malice…

MrShit? PUAhate
June 20, 2011 at 11:43 pm · Reply
One reason I still admire many of the Love Systems guys, despite having been turned off their dating advice, is that when you meet them in person and discuss their goals, both in and out of dating, you can tell that they’re chasing dreams they really want. And they range from financial success to becoming professional actors or stand-up comedians to wanting to really change the lives of the men they teach. It’s not important as to whether those dreams are cliche or not, because they’re what they really want, and that’s what make successful guys follow their own path.

So it’s ok that they charge guys thousands of dollars for bad advice, as long as they appear to really care?

I believe that’s called scamming.